Monday, December 28, 2009

32-Page ebay Buyer's Guide

ebay Buyer's Guide - A Free ebay Auction Give-Away

This file is a PDF eBook. It is already hosted for you.

You can view it and save it to your computer with this link:

You can also use the above link as the give-away link, but it is recommended that you give it away using this landing page link:

Here is the eBook image link:

Related posts: Auction Listings That Sell!
                        How to Write Auction Listings 
                        How To Write Auction TOS 
Appletreedeals on ebay 

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Sunday, December 27, 2009

ebay Buyer's Guide - A Free ebay Auction Give-Away

ebay Buyer's Guide - A Free ebay Auction Give-Away

Everybody likes to get free stuff, so why not offer your ebay auction listing visitors a free ebay Buyer's Guide as a bonus just for viewing your listings.

 A potential buyer has clicked on your ebay auction listing; they saw the basic details: current bid, time left, and shipping costs, and they are heading to your item description with one of two things in mind - the current bid is within their price range, and they want the item details to see if they want to bid on it, or, the current bid is too high and they want to see why it is so expensive.

Monday, November 30, 2009

ebay Auction Listings - When is the Best Time to List Yours

ebay Auction Listings - When is the Best Time to List Yours?

We all know that ending your ebay auctions at the right time can make a huge difference in the final price. Or even whether your listing sells or not. "What is the best time to end my ebay auction listings?", is a question every ebay seller asks, and you don't need a crystal ball to get the answer.

The simple answer is ... it depends. Of course that is not what ebay sellers want to hear.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Get ebay Buyers to Your ebay Auctions Online , A Hubpages Hub

Get ebay buyers to your ebay auctions online with a Hubpages Hub.

One of your main goals as an ebay seller is to get people to click on your ebay store, or visit your ebay auction. Selling things to ebay buyers can be profitable, but you have to get them to your listings first. Unless you have the most unique item in the whole world, that everyone must have, you need to do more than just wait for ebay buyers to find you when they search for something.

One way to do this is to go off-site and direct buyers to your ebay auction or ebay store. Traditionally, savvy sellers have been posting on blogs and in forums, leaving their hyperlink signature behind, as a way for readers to click-through to their auctions or store. But, there is another way, one that search engines love – short articles.

Content articles related to your items can be anything from a product review or how-to article, to interesting articles in essay or pictorial form. It can even be as simple as a short bio for one of your listed items. And you can put links in these articles. A big benefit of using this method is

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

How to write your Terms of Service for auction listings.

How to write your Terms of Service for auction listings(TOS)

Your terms of service (TOS) are an important part of your ebay, (or any service), sales plan. Your "TOS" will tell your buyers what you expect from them, and what they can expect from you. A well written Terms Of Sservice will give your buyers confidence in their transactions with you, a badly written TOS could send them running away.

Your TOS should cover these main areas of your policies:

  • Payment: how you want to be paid, when you want to be paid, and what payment methods you accept.
  • Shipping: How you ship, and when you ship, and any other specific shipping details
  • Returns: Do you accept them, and how do you accept them.
  • Problems: If there are any problems, how do you handle them.
Your terms of service will tell your buyer the "rules of the game" when dealing with you. You want your TOS to be clear and short, and friendly. Put yourself in the buyers shoes. Would you rather deal with some that writes; "Bid with confidence - Returns accepted", or someone who says "No returns ever - all sales final no matter what"?

Sunday, August 9, 2009

How to write an ebay Auction Listing - Item Description

How to write an ebay Auction Listing - Item Description

An ebay auction listing description section will not just describe your item, it should give your viewer reasons to buy! The item description should contain all details relevant to the item, and also key phrases that will motivate them to want to bid on or buy your item. The description layout should be easy to read, not so cluttered that the reader has to search for the details they need.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

How to write auction listings that sell
An ebay auction listing is how you sell your item on ebay. The most important parts of a good successful auction listing are the title and item description. But writing a good auction listing involves a lot more than saying what it is and how much you want for it. this is part 1 of a series on writing successful auction listings, be sure to follow up-coming posts for the rest of the series.

How to make listings that sell
is NOT usually the first thought on a new seller's mind, but it should be! When you are writing a listing you need to think like a buyer:

  • why is the buyer looking at your listing
  1. they need this product
  2. they want this product
  3. they're interested in this product
  4. they like you as a seller
  • how did the buyer find your listing
  1. they found you in a keyword search
  2. your listing title stood out from the rest
  3. they found you from an outside link
  4. they're looking at all listings matching their search
  5. they're browsing a category
  • what does the buyer want to know

Monday, August 3, 2009

Web Hosting Plans for your Web Site

How to pick a web site hosting plan.

In today's web hosting market, hosting companies offer their hosting services in bundles they call plans. Hosting a website requires some basic features or services that you must have; like code protocols, platform formats, and data usage, some that it would be nice to have; like email accounts, ecommerce functions, image storage, and visitor upload/download capabilities, and some that are 'bells and whistles' that will make your website better or easier to use or maintain.

Of course the very first, and most basic question is; What do you want your website to do?

Friday, July 17, 2009

Auctiva, Make eBay listing easier, and save money

Auctiva, Make eBay listing easier, and save money
is a 3rd party listing service that can save you money and time using its picture hosting and listing scheduling services. It is very easy to use, and has hundreds of free auction templates, or you can create your own custom template.

But first… we have all been lured into reading reviews or promotions just to realize that the writer is an affiliate promoting the product to make money. Nothing wrong with that if the review is honest and straight forward, but too often it's just another product 'shill' for an over-priced product.

This is a product promotion, not a 'Shill'.

For the sake of full disclosure;
I don't think Auctiva pays for referrals. They did provide a referral link with my user ID inserted, but nowhere on the site could I find any mention of affiliate commissions. And I looked! I wouldn't mind getting paid for promoting a product I like. But, it's a good service and maybe I'll get a 'Thank you' email if any of you folks use the link to check them out.

I have been using Auctiva since 2006. It was a FREE service until July 1, 2009. They were an eBay affiliate, that's how they were able to offer their services free to us and still stay in business.

Auctiva is a big 3rd party provider, one of the majors in the market. There are others, Vendio and Ink Frog come to mind, but when I first started on eBay and was looking for this kind of service, Auctiva was FREE, easy to use, and suited my needs, and, well, does it get better than that?

eBay Partner Network Affiliate Program... Is it for you?

eBay Partner Network Affiliate Program... Is it for you?

The eBay Partner Network affiliate program has gone through some major changes lately, and a lot of affiliates have been dropped. BANS affiliates have been hit especially hard by the tightening of affiliate performance standards. If you make money online using eBay’s affiliate program, or are planning to, you need to be aware of the programs new direction.

For a bit of history;
The eBay Partner Network, (let's call it ePN from here-on), is eBay’s affiliate program. It was initially administered through an affiliate portal called Commission Junction, but was taken 'in-house' by eBay in 2008. The affiliate fees were fairly generous, and a whole new affiliate market developed using what are called 'niche stores'.

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