Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Get ebay Buyers to Your ebay Auctions Online , A Hubpages Hub

Get ebay buyers to your ebay auctions online with a Hubpages Hub.

One of your main goals as an ebay seller is to get people to click on your ebay store, or visit your ebay auction. Selling things to ebay buyers can be profitable, but you have to get them to your listings first. Unless you have the most unique item in the whole world, that everyone must have, you need to do more than just wait for ebay buyers to find you when they search for something.

One way to do this is to go off-site and direct buyers to your ebay auction or ebay store. Traditionally, savvy sellers have been posting on blogs and in forums, leaving their hyperlink signature behind, as a way for readers to click-through to their auctions or store. But, there is another way, one that search engines love – short articles.

Content articles related to your items can be anything from a product review or how-to article, to interesting articles in essay or pictorial form. It can even be as simple as a short bio for one of your listed items. And you can put links in these articles. A big benefit of using this method is

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