Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Get ebay Buyers to Your ebay Auctions Online , A Hubpages Hub

Get ebay buyers to your ebay auctions online with a Hubpages Hub.

One of your main goals as an ebay seller is to get people to click on your ebay store, or visit your ebay auction. Selling things to ebay buyers can be profitable, but you have to get them to your listings first. Unless you have the most unique item in the whole world, that everyone must have, you need to do more than just wait for ebay buyers to find you when they search for something.

One way to do this is to go off-site and direct buyers to your ebay auction or ebay store. Traditionally, savvy sellers have been posting on blogs and in forums, leaving their hyperlink signature behind, as a way for readers to click-through to their auctions or store. But, there is another way, one that search engines love – short articles.

Content articles related to your items can be anything from a product review or how-to article, to interesting articles in essay or pictorial form. It can even be as simple as a short bio for one of your listed items. And you can put links in these articles. A big benefit of using this method is

that if you join eBay’s affiliate program, you can actually get paid by using links to send buyers to your own listings.

There are a lot of link sites on the 'net' that give you the opportunity reach ebay buyers off-site, and get them to your listings using links in your articles. One of the ones I’ve been using that has proven very effective is HubPages,

Hubpages is a great way to do this; they allow you to create your own reviews or articles, actually 1-page mini-web sites,
like this one about espresso makers, about things that relate to you and your ebay items or your ebay store. It's free and it's not hard to learn how to use their tools to create short articles related to your ebay listings, or articles that have links to the other things you do to make money online.

HubPages is serious about unique content articles, they quickly bust spammers, (so don’t try that route), and because of their original content, Google Search loves them and gives them good pagerank and a lot of weight to their out-going links.

Here are some examples of different types of content articles you can use:

·        An article about products you sell that can have links back to your items.  Buy Chicago Bears Tickets, Hats, and Jerseys on ebay.
·        A how-to article that can contain both ebay auction links, (this one is directed at Amazon, but it could be ebay instead) and hyperlinks back to other sites or listings. How to build a campfire designed for your camp recipes.
·        A product review article that compares products that you sell. Buy home espresso machines or espresso coffee makers online

The list of choices goes on, but you can see for yourself by checking out this author's hubpages, or even get your own Hubpages account if you want.

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Appletreedeals is an ebay seller and affiliate marketer and he
also uses Hubpages articles to send buyers to his listings.


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